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Welcome to the action figure, comic book movie, nostalgia laden house

I'm in my early thirties. I read that qualifies as being an adult. I'm not totally convinced in my case but science is science. As I've gotten older I've consistently felt as if my age has not correlated with my maturity. I don't mean that as people probably expect. Full and fair disclosure: I still find it funny when someone farts in public and giggle when my change includes 69 cents. I text words that double as dirty to my best friend like manhole or pea pod. And I still pretend Santa comes even though I know he's real. But I digress. The longer time passes the more I realize I don't know. All that crap I learned in high school about mitosis or prime numbers has all but evaporated. But I did learn other important stuff. Like who I can count on. Especially when things are tough. Or that sometimes it's more important to be civil than to be right. As I meander though this big old world I know that when I see someone who is like fifty that's an adult. When I see someone my age I see someone who is a larger grayer high school kid. We're fake adults. Even the ones of us who have kids. The grown ups have it together. The fake ones see Star Wars at midnight on Thursday even though we have work in the morning. It's a lot more fun being a fake adult. Having the bills and the stress and the craziness but also mixing in the fun of youth that we don't seem to want to let go of. And why should we? Arrested development? Screw that! Try self preservation. Are we a little soft? Maybe. Do we care a little too much about stuff and not enough about others? Probably. Is it annoying to ask and then answer your own questions especially in blog form? Absolutely. But I do this for our own good. In the background as I write this my background noise is an episode of ALF. why? Because I loved it when I was 8. So goddamit I will watch it now. It's comforting. It's not holding me back it's giving me a sense of calm. He's from Melmac. He eats cats. He's got a nose shaped like a "banana". And he's a reminder or when I was innocent and New and ready to charge the world. Now all I charge is an iPhone or my capital one card when I'm getting gas. These real adults I see all over seem so on edge. But still they seem so confident. Like the chaos drives them. That is something I wish I could relate to. Instead I feel overwhelmed by something like my headlights going out. I still call my dad when that happens even though his car knowledge is at best minimal. It'll end up that I take the car to his house park out front and he and I work through it together. He speculates and tries while I plot and plan. But in the end we work it through together. So much is written about millennials.  How we're lazy and don't want to work hard. How we make excuses. I think we get a bad rap, yo. I'll go into the finer points next time but I think there is something to be said for generation x,y the boomers and the 80's kids to all get along. Because one day dinosaurs will comeback and when they do we'll need each other. And if you rewatch Jurassic Park you'll know how to be ready. 


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