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Dreams Can Come True. Or, Just Smile.

"Fairy tales are more than true, not just because they tell us that dragons exist but because they tell us that they can be beaten. "
  • Attributed to Neil Gaiman but truly said by G K Chesterton

Lately I've been keeping away from the news. As an empath, I take on a lot of the emotions I encounter and as a neurotic I try to solve all the problems myself. This is a recipe for disaster. I don't know why I do it but that's just me I guess. The news gives me anxiety because it's very often bad news. You have to really look to find the good news. So I don't bother with it anymore. So, instead I write. The following is a piece that I wrote for myself and changed it around some to be for everyone. It's kind of a suggestion for taking things slower and being more encouraging and constructive. I hope it helps people that are going through a tough time. 

Sometimes things get really overwhelming and it feels like it won't get any better. Sometimes the days are way too long and the nights way too cold and the whole time is lonely and scary and sad. There's a lot going on in the world. We don't treat each other as well as we should. We're not always there for each other. But there are people out there that care. There are people who love you and worry about you and think about what you are doing and how you are. You're not stupid. Or ugly. Or worthless. And you're not alone. I promise that. It might feel like you are but you have someone somewhere. And if by chance you don't you still have you. And that matters. Nobody else is like you. Nobody else leaves the same impression on the world as you. Rooms aren't nearly as full or light as when you are there. The party might be going on but it doesn't really start until you are there. You are so much more than you think you are and you're getting better at being you each and every day. Reach out to a friend who you have not spoken with in a while. Take that step. Don't hide behind it being a "two way street ". Be the bigger person and connect. 

Don't let the world tear you down. Go write something just for you to see and feel. Share it when you're ready. Be creative and free. Let your mind be open and your heart will feel lighter. Let some of that baggage go and let some of the lighter stuff in. Walk slower and enjoy what's around. Enjoy the last bit of summer we have left. Look for shapes in the clouds and keep your thoughts light and positive. Don't pretend bad things don't happen but don't let those bad things hijack your day. Open your windows and let the air in. Sit down and count your exhales. Do it to thirty. It feels good not to think. Put down the phone and go for a walk. Or take it and leave it in your pocket. Read a book you might not have read a year ago. Write a letter to yourself about what is in your mind. And don't think you have to do all these things right away. But try a couple of them. I bet you start feeling better faster than you think. I'm ready to take my next step. Be more honest with myself and be in my corner for once. A journey starts with one step and I'm taking mine now. I hope you enjoy yours. 

Go write your fairy tale. 

Live happily ever after. 

Slay the dragon that's destroying your village. 

Or, at least find a nice hobbit hole to sleep in. 


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