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Flying Across The Universe. Or Something So Big About The Little Dipper.

"Who am I? What is my purpose? What the hell does all of this mean?"
-Everyone I have ever spoken to, ever 

The universe is big. Yuge as they say. To contemplate it is a gigantic undertaking. Some nights I sit on my front porch and in between slapping mosquitoes and horseflies I think about how insignificant I can seem as compared to the stars. Stars are giant balls of gas burning so bright we can see them from here. Imagine the scope. Imagine how small you feel compared to a ball of gas! Then ask yourself: who cares? My lot in life is to do what I need to do. What I want to do. I'm not in the cosmos. I'm not a star. I'm just me. That's ok too. Being someone or something else would be a colossal undertaking   I have all my practice at being me. My celestial contemplation is a romantic thought but the truth is I have my place. My place is here on Earth and my purpose is always evolving. I'm a friend, a son, a brother and an uncle. I'm an artist and a musician and an author and a blogger. Most importantly I am Armand. The unexamined life is life not worth living. Think about what that means. We're all here living together. We have the same hang ups, the same doubts and the same frustrations. More than anything, the issues we have, though different on the outside, are similar when broken down. What changes is how we react and how it affects us. We all hit walls and we all fail. The things that vary are the ways that we go from point a to point b. The paths we have to tread are all unique. The struggles are very real. That different-sameness brings us together. We need each other. We all have a purpose and that makes us a big group of connected people. We can all empathize and should understand at least how it might feel to be at the end of a rope. We've all looked at those stars and felt small. It's easy to get lost in the mess that is real life. To get bogged down in the details instead of enjoying the ride. Who cares about how big those stars are? We all shine in different ways. Thinking about that gives you too much stress and adds too much to your mind. I like the beach but not the ocean. I can feel like I'm in control sitting on the sand. The ocean is in charge when you're going for a swim. So I respect the ocean. Just like I respect the stars. And I keep my place in the whole continuum in check.  Don't overthink things. Keep yourself calm and don't put unneeded stress on yourself   Enjoy the night sky. Enjoy the moment you're in and don't worry about the ones that are gone. If you can go to space take a look around and appreciate it for what it is: something big impressive and vast. Also appreciate your part in it: someone who has a lot to see and not a lot of time to see it. Day in and day out we learn new things about ourselves and each other. We see many different things and we take new chances. Oftentimes we also bite off a little more than we can handle. Take a step back and allow yourself to appreciate what you see and experience for what it is and not over analyze it. Space is mysterious and vast. So is your life. Don't try to explore both of them at once; you have a lot more fun to experience. Focus on the now. We don't know why we're here or where we're going and that's kind of the point. You are thrown so much day to day and you figure it out as you go taking the lessons you've learned along the way and hopefully having an easier time. Thinking about why takes time away from getting to the next step. Don't get buried by the details. And above all, let yourself be the star of your journey. Every step you take is one closer to being your true self. Embrace the parts of you that make you happy and let go of those which make you uncomfortable and crazy inside. Look at the stars and see them as a part of the whole of existence. You're part of it too. We all have our place and we each have our season. So tonight as I look at the stars I think more about how they shine than why they do. The stars are there and I am here. It's my place and it's all for now. One day those stars will burn out and so will I. When I do I will come back somehow and my energy will pass on to someone or something else. I will take every chance I can to make sure my energy is bright like those stars. And I will make things better today than they were yesterday. Wasting my time worrying about how and why only gets in the way. 

In a universe full of stars, burn brightly, love strongly and take care of yourself. You  are the driver and you forge your path. Don't get caught reading directions when you can just drive. 🖖 

See you Thursday. 


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