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Summers Here The Time Is Right For Meeting People In The Street. Or, Get Outside.

"Who are the people in your neighborhood ? In your neighborhood? In your neighborhood? Say who are the people in your neighborhood the people that you meet the people that you greet the people that you see each day?"
-Jim Henson

Today I felt like I was going nowhere fast. Absolutely nowhere. Sitting in my office sifting through the crap I am always juggling I felt awful. Time was being wasted and my potential was shoved right down the toilet. A friend of mine at work was lamenting his decision not to be a CPA. I thought about my choices and felt AMAZING about them. (Sarcasm). The recurring theme was feeling lost and regret. So many people that I talk to regularly are lost. Its amazing. I feel like I'm alone all the time. What if all the lost people found each other one day? We just got together and talked a little bit and got to know each other. That would be nice. It just occurred to me that I don't know any of my neighbors. I've lived in this house for six years. I can't name a single one of my neighbors. That's pretty bad. Even now I am sitting by my window looking at one of my neighbors (that sounds stalkerish) as she's getting groceries from her car. No clue who she is. None. I wonder if she feels lost too? Does she come home from work and sit in her living room wondering what her life could have and should have been like? We each have a story that's worth telling.  All of us has something that makes us different and that's a good thing. The not using my phone as much thing is working well. I think it's time to try the meeting the people in your neighborhood thing. Meeting new people isn't always easy. There will be nuts and crazies involved every once in a while. But that's the risk you take in any new endeavor. You risk running into the insane. Meeting new people can lead to a multitude of new opportunities for you. Block parties, barbecues, and pool days. Those alone are worth it. But even more importantly you make contacts. Not contacts as in business world contacts. I mean contacts in your life. Someone to turn to. People to talk to and share with. Friends. Putting yourself out there and meeting mew people gives you a chance at making friends. These new people may know other people. Those other people might meet you and you can get a group going. Lonely days will decrease and you might not feel so lost. Being alone isn't bad. Isolation isn't great. Its already almost July kids. One third of summer is gone. Make up for it by getting out there and making some new contacts. Life contacts. People you can learn about and make connections with. In time you'll feel less anxious. Its not a cure but it is a good step. I've noticed that I am usually not excited about events until after I have arrived. Part of that comes from usually being alone and not sharing my experiences with other people. When we share time we can share in our emotions about things we do. It sparks conversations with people and you can expand your mind. Some days I wish that I could be Matt Damon stuck on Mars by himself. But as appealing as being Matt Damon is I don't want to live on Mars. I don't want to be alone 24/7/365 (366 on leap years ). The problem isn't people. It's how I respond to situations. So I am committing myself to be more social. Try not to be a hermit. Get myself out there and give myself the space to grow. No space trips for me. No Mars. Just conquer my life one neighborly meeting at a time. Time is precious. Its a cliche but most good ideas are. I'm sorry to have wasted so much letting myself get stuck inside my head. It may be a struggle for me but I have to try. My situation isn't ideal and I'm sure that it can improve. With a more open mindset (cliche city) I can do more and feel better. Find myself. Not feel so lost. Loneliness isn't fun. It's worse when it's self imposed. So this summer I will meet my neighbors. Bake some pies. Ring some doorbells. Maybe take along some of my art and show it off. And I'll hopefully start to feel better about things. 

But now I have to go. My neighbor across the street saw the light from my screen and might be calling the cops. Not exactly the best way to make a first impression. See you Sunday. 


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