"The Best In The World At What I Do."
-CM Punk
When 2015 became 2016 I made a resolution just like so many others. It wasn't to lose weight or try to stop smoking. I promised myself that I would try something new every month. Not become a yes man with a yes year but rather take one risk or try something that I had always wanted to do. I started out small. Going for a walk in the evenings for January ( yes I know that's stupid to do in winter). Cooking at home in February. Bought a new guitar in march and said I would practice every night like when I was in college and high school. Honestly most of these things have stuck and it feels good to have a new outlook and new stuff to do in my life. The one that really made me feel different was June. That's when I began to paint.
I put this piece together and I haven't been able to stop since. Painting is something I had wanted to try for the longest time (oh oh oh oh for the longest time) but had never been able to get to. As a disciple of Bob Ross I had happy trees in my head and happy clouds living in my nonexistent fan-brush. But now it was time to let them see the light. On my way home from work I stopped at an art supply shop and spent way too much on way too little. But that's the price of doing something on a whim. Sitting down and taking the chance to create something scared the shit out of me. I had no idea what I was doing nor did I have any confidence in my skills. I made a conscious decision however to try it because ultimately, and here is the point of talking about this again, what did I have to lose besides the 88 dollars I spent on painting shit? The answer is nothing. I had nothing to lose and not going through with it would have been a mistake. I ran the risk of not enjoying it and that just means that I most likely would be too focused on the results (a trait in my opinion of annoying people) instead of the action. The act of painting relaxes me. I don't get swept up in the details and the end result but rather lose myself in the process. Half the time I have no idea what I'm going to paint! I have a color in mind start with it and see what happens. The calming effect of the stroke of the brush is enough for me to keep myself balanced. I think it's important for people to have a ritual. Something to lose yourself in and take time to decompress with. Something you can just do and say that this is my space and nobody is going to alter it. Some folks have religion, others go upstairs and put on their old football pads and flex for the mirror. Whatever you do do it well. Problem is that's not an easy thing to always do and you have to budget your time for it. Once you have something , stick to it. I think there's value there. The key is doing it. Consistency homie. There's no magical formula besides just doing it. If you don't play you can't win. If you don't throw an egg you can't egg your vice principals garage. Simple. Imagine if nobody tried anything that they enjoyed. That would be like a bad vibes grenade went off in the middle of suck city population everyone. Green billowing misery fog would envelope us all and nobody would ever smile or be happy. You'd know what it was like to live in Detroit. Kidding. The air in Detroit isn't green it's grey. But I digress. I think it's time we kick the fear buzz we've been coasting on all this time. Fear inhibits and stifles progress. Think of your favorite song. Chances are that song came from something shitty happening. That person got some paper and went on to the park and sat down and wrote a song. Sometimes the songs suck. Sometimes my paintings suck. But I don't care. You know why? Because I'm doing for me that's why. I'm painting for an audience of one. And I'm my biggest fan. And try not to be my biggest critic. Self deprecation is funny in doses when it's in jest and meant to lighten the mood. It's unhealthy and frankly odd when done internally and regularly. I'm not saying give yourself a great big mental hug but I am saying to lighten up on yourself. Your trees look like truck tires? Then say it's abstract and move on to the lake! Who cares (And if your answer is I do then you're completely missing the point)? It's supposed to relieve stress. I've taught people how to paint. The look on People’s faces when they see what they've done is like magic. It truly is. I'm a performer and getting the reaction lights me up like ten tequila shots on cinco de mayo at happy hour on a Friday. All I'm asking is that people try something. Anything as long as you aren't hurting someone. When you do you can make a fun resolution too.
It's a lottle bit late but Happy New Year.
Now get going.
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