If nothing else, life has taught me this: always measure. Trying to eye it will never work the way you want it to. Ever. That's just how it is. Apparently that's why they invented the tape measure in the first place. But what do I know I'm just a kid from Trumbull. I'm no philosophical genius. What I do know is I tried to get a huge couch up a flight if stairs about the size of a drain pipe and made it somehow. But if I had measured I would have known to take the door off the hinges and saved myself about a half hour of aggravation. When you move into a place you have a clean slate. Your neighbors huddle in their yards staring at this new person they don't get know and try to get a feel for them based on how they move in. The impression I gave off is I do things on my own and that the words fuck and goddamit come out of my mouth a lot. Unapologetically at that. My dad and a friend of mine both helped me move in. I generally am very bad at help. Asking for it, acce...
My musings, thoughts, lessons, wants, needs, wishes and hopes for us all. I think that its important to examine life and here is my attempt. If nothing else, I hope that people read this and get a laugh or two. Maybe even learn something. Pose any questions to armandm85blog@gmail.com. Im an artist, musician, writer, filmmaker and professional friend. Posts updated every Sunday and Wednesday. Enjoy!